Where did AP Daily Deals go, and who is Ad Pages?

Short answer...we are still here.

AP Daily Deals was always a part of the Ad Pages family, but now everything is under one roof, or umbrella, er....website. The only thing that changes is that now you will have access to tons of FREE local print and digital coupons, in addition to the same great daily deals you have subscribed to since 2009.

With our daily deals, we provide a great way to purchase very special offers ("Deals For Purchase") on the hottest things to do, see and get in your city. We are more than just a single-deal-a-day site. In addition to our featured deal, we have multiple live deals every day. Since all our deals are localized, you'll get a personalized deal email based on offers near your zip code.

With our FREE local coupons, you will get access to tons of local coupons that were previously only found in the direct mailed versions of Ad Pages Magazine. Since 1988, Ad Pages Magazine has been mailing out over 20 million magazines throughout 80+ individual DFW, Austin, San Antonio, and St. Louis communities each year. With the addition of our FREE digital coupons, many of the same great print offers, previously only available in your mailbox, are now available online.

How much does it cost to sign up?

Zip. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Signing up for our daily email is free. By providing us with your email address and zip code, we can make sure to send you Deals and Coupons that are specific to your local area.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Is my credit card secure?

Absolutely! Your personal information is securely transferred electronically. All transactions are encrypted for increased security.

I bought a deal, what now?

Once you have successfully purchased a deal, you will receive an email notification to let you know your credit card has been charged and how to redeem the offer. You may also access your account at any time to see if your deal is ready to be redeemed. Simply log in, go to "Manage Account" and select "My Purchases" to find your deal.

I am not getting any emails from Ad Pages or AP Daily Deals...what can I do?

If you have already signed up to receive deal alerts or created an account and aren't receiving deal related emails from AP Daily Deals it could be due to your email provider blocking emails from us. Simply add [email protected] to your contacts or safe sender list and the emails should come through. Also, check your spam or junk folder as you may have inadvertently sent us there.

Why do I receive emails from AP Daily Deals, but when I attempt to log in it says “email is invalid”?

Chances are you’re only signed up to receive our email notifications but never fully registered for an account. It’s easy to do, simply click
and fill out the form on the right to register. You can use the email where you’re getting the Deals. This will make you a full-fledged user of AP Daily Deals with the ability to purchase Deals.

Are there any restrictions on your deals for purchase? When do the deals expire?

Any restrictions, including expiration dates, will be listed on each deal page. Please be sure to read the deal's terms and restrictions before purchasing the deal.

Are the deals for purchase returnable or refundable?

Ad Pages offers a “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” (Guaranteed Period). This guarantee covers the amount you paid for a Voucher (Payment) for a 30 day period following the date of your original purchase, provided the Voucher expiration date has not lapsed. Specific terms regarding the guarantee can be found at http://APdailydeals.com/guarantee. For any refund / credit requests beyond the Guaranteed Period, please refer to the Terms of Service.

What if the deal offer expires before I redeem?

Unfortunately, expired deals for purchase can’t be redeemed. It is important to redeem your deal before the offer expires.

Can I buy a deal as a gift?

Yes. When you are on the deal page, select the “Gift this Deal” link. You’ll be asked to provide the name and email of your intended recipient and you’ll be given the option to include a special message. The recipient will receive an email explaining how to claim their gift after your account has been charged. In order to purchase gifts for more than one recipient or for you, they will need to be done in separate transactions.

Did we answer all of your questions?

If you still have questions feel free to contact us at [email protected].